Rotary Club of Bombay

Bhavishya Yaan

Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan (Page 3)

On November 19th, 2022, the Rotaract Club of H.R. College and students of the six Bhavishya Yaan schools celebrated colours. It was a super fun Saturday for all of them. About 90 Rotaractors from HR college went to all six Bhavisha Yaan schools and, within a span of two hours, did the activity with 192 kids...

Bhavishya Yaan students enjoyed a literature festival last week at the N.M. Joshi Marg School. Both primary and the secondary students prepared speeches and role plays and enjoyed performing them. Parth, a 9th grade student, was the Master of Ceremony, who conducted the whole programme. While the 5th, 6th, and 7th standards performed The Blue Umbrella by...

52 children attended the Diwali camp at Bhavishya Yaan’s Dr. Ambedkar school. As the planned activity for the day was colouring, a small competition was organised on the spur of the moment. This required the children to come forward and speak on Diwali. They were given 15 mins to prepare, with the help of the...

Bhavishya Yaan students of grades 7 and 8 of our G.K. Marg BMC school, visited Worli Police Station on October 3rd, 2022. Police Inspector Mr. Amar Kamble shared a lot of information regarding different departments and positions in the police service. He also spoke about different rules, guidelines, and sectors which are divided by the police into various...

On September 24th, 2022, Project Future is Youth was carried out by the Rotaract Club of Atlas Skilltech University for the Bhavishya Yaan students of G.K. Marg Municipal School, Lower Parel. The project aimed to bring out creativity in the children and also help them set future goals. We taught them Mandala Art and how to...

The BMC organised Regional Secondary Final Wrestling Tournament for the Year 2022 at NMJ school last week, for all zones of Bombay. Our GK Marg BY students made us proud by winning bronze and silver medals. 1. Dnyaneshwar Phugnar won 3rd place in under-14, 40 kg weight category. He is in grade 8th. 2. Shruti...

Team Partners-In-Service of the Rotaract Club of Hinduja College conducted its first event of the year for Bhavisha Yaan students. A Word Game was played by the kids of GK Marg Municipal School on July 23rd, 2022. Word games assess vocabulary knowledge and the ability to apply it effectively. This particular exercise had kids breaking...

By Bhavishya Yaan alumni Nirmala Kokate Till the 6th standard, my education had been through books. After that, something changed. It was like magic. Bhavishya Yaan came into my life. BY at GK Marg introduced English and Computer classes and I enrolled myself. I gained a lot of knowledge and learnt so much more in...

The Free Press Journal newspaper hosted an event organised by Youth Equine Leadership for the alumni of Bhavishya Yaan, the widely acclaimed Student Enrichment Project of the Rotary Club of Bombay. Shubh Vilas Prabhu, author and spiritual teacher, drew references from Indian scriptures as well as simple examples to share leadership lessons to the audience. The...

Bhavishya Yaan, a project conceived and implemented by PP Ramesh Narayan and a few dedicated and diehard Rotarians is one such sustainable initiative. It has grown and expanded into six schools and brought meaning and opportunity to many children who passed through its well-intentioned doors. Our partners Vidya valiantly supported our mandate to teach the children spoken...

Rtn. Satyan Israni’s son Samaksh celebrated his 8th birthday with his 375 Bhavishya Yaan friends. Samaksh loves bubbles and wanted the lucky children of BY to experience a life-sized bubble show. He arranged a magician, Mr. Anil Kumar, for the GK Marg children who trapped the children in giant bubbles. The surprise had the children...