Rotary Club of Bombay

Speaker / Gateway

Rotary Club of Bombay / Speaker / Gateway (Page 27)

Not so long ago, India’s population was considered a curse that weighed down prosperity and constricted available opportunities for advancement. However as the developed world led by USA, Europe and Japan begin to grey, countries faced with the prospect of lack of human resources within their borders, will be forced to look globally to fill the gap. This...

India, the seventh largest nation with over a billion people, has one of the largest transport sectors. However, not without its own set of challenges. Mumbai, the financial capital of the country has seen immense development in its transport infrastructure over the last decade, but the ever increasing population in the city is rendering the...

“What is our country today?” started PP Rtn Shailesh Haribhakti, a renowned chartered accountant, who lends his expertise to several professional and governmental regulatory bodies, and is currently the chairman of the National Pension Scheme Trust as well as a Member of the Advisory Committee of Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority. “We are a...

“We each live our lives wearing a magical amulet, until one day that amulet falls off. And all of a sudden, you become aware of each and every thing that you took for granted, that you assumed would work perfectly well. You become hopeful about it, and you become very grateful for every little generosity...

From the United Nations’ earliest days, in the aftermath of World War II, the organization’s humanitarian mission has always dovetailed with Rotary’s efforts to administer aid and build peace. Scheduled to be held at the UN Headquarters in New York City on 12th November, the theme for this year’s Rotary Day is ‘Responsible Business, Resilient Societies’....

“Mr. Sudheendra Kulkarni has been often looked upon as a strategist, and as an advisor to none other than the former Prime Minister, Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayeeji. In fact, there were numerous occasions when Atalji would lean to Sudheendra for his inputs on how delicate situations must emerge with a balanced view”, states Rtn Poonima...

A true nationalist, Shailesh Gandhi has been a champion of transparency and honesty in the country. A tireless proponent of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, he has dedicated hours and days on spreading the importance of this Act and educating people on filling an appeal in a manner that it is sure to be answered. Amongst his other achievements as the Commissioner, Central Information Commission (CIC), are that his was the first paperless government office in...

As a fellow Rotarian, Dr. Aashish Contractor needs no introduction. We are all aware (rather we ought to know!) that he heads the Rehab and Sports Medicine Dept. at Sir H N Reliance Foundation Hospital, and that he is the Vice-Chairman of the International Council of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, as well as the Certification...

“I’m going to have to cover a continent in a very brief period of time because that is what rural India is about! It is a continent within a sub-continent, and without exception,the most complex aspect of planet earth” began Mr. P. Sainath, former rural affairs editor of The Hindu, and winner of the Raymon Magsaysay Award for his passionate commitment as a journalist to restore the rural poor to India’s consciousness,moving the nation...

“Why does sustained economic growth or development require inequality to be lower than what it is?” started Dr. Ajit Ranade in casual yet fascinating manner. And as aptly introduced by PP Shailesh Haribhakti, Dr. Ranade did afford us with his immense knowledge of economics and practical insights on a subject that is critically important to the whole world as it is to India. He began by explaining the difference between poverty and inequality, which are most...

Eagerly awaited by most, last week’s talk by Dr. Raghuram Rajan was a packed house. Having come directly from his farewell at RBI, he was gracious to accept his first award (as the Citizen of Mumbai) post his tenure as the Governor, and spend a few hours with Rotarians before he returned to his much-loved teaching position at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. With...

As the Chairman of the Mumbai Port Trust and a bureaucrat who has had one of the most distinguished careers in public service, Sanjay Bhatia’s journey into the spiritual realm has been a rather testing one. However, his desire to seek the truth and to find the true purpose of his life, have helped him achieve all that he has today. In an autobiographical manner, this unassuming master explains how meditation changed his life, the...