Rotary Club of Bombay

Speaker / Gateway

Rotary Club of Bombay / Speaker / Gateway (Page 35)

Shailesh Haribhakti Dear Fellow Rotarians, We are at the threshold of another remarkable year — a year that presents great opportunities, abundant optimism and endless possibilities for community service. Our Club has been known to develop, facilitate and execute some of the most dynamic programmes for the betterment of society. It is my honour and privilege to...

Poorva Joshipura People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’ (PETA) reputation as an organisation that fights against animal cruelty needs no introduction. The animal rights establishment, known for its noble causes, has been an influential platform for many animal lovers, including our very own Rtn. Hiren Kara, who has always wanted to educate people on the...

Rtn. Haso Thadani In an hour-long, freewheeling interview, the veteran talks about his early life and experiences with the Rotary Club of Bombay On a warm Saturday afternoon, we visited Rtn. Haso Thadani’s Cuffe Parade residence to interview him for Know Your Fellow Rotarian, a regular feature in our Club’s weekly bulletin. The walls of his living...

Anuj Bhagwati Good afternoon, fellow Rotarians. I am pleased to introduce Anuj Bhagwati and Pankaj Joshi, who will speak on “Mumbai — facts, myths and solutions”. Anuj is the Managing Director of A.T.E. Enterprises, which is headquartered in Mumbai. He holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in Engineering Physics (B.S.) and Applied Physics (M.S.) respectively from Cornell...