Rotary Club of Bombay

Social Media & Website

Rotary Club of Bombay / Social Media & Website  / Committee Reports: Bulletin, Social Media & Website 2020-2021

Committee Reports: Bulletin, Social Media & Website 2020-2021

Director: Rtn. Pratap Padode

Chair: Rtn. Rhea Bhumgara

Co-Chair: PP Dr. Mukesh Batra

Members: Rtn. Satyan Israni, Rtn. Zeenia Master, Rtn. Murad Currawala, Rtn. Mihir Mody

We aim to widen the Club’s reach and to disseminate information on our Club’s projects and their progress.

Rotary Club of Bombay has an active presence on multiple platforms – Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. This enables us to keep members and the general public abreast of the excellent work done by the Club on a broad range of projects.

We continue to grow our online following – over 9,000!

The weekly newsletter, The Gateway, is sent out to all members of the Club. Sporting a redesigned look this year, it covers proceedings of our weekly meetings, carries information on the activities done by our Committees, keeps members aware of upcoming events, and also showcases work done by our partners in service. In addition, this year saw the introduction of brain-teasers and facts about Rotary.

Our Club website has had over 1.3 lakh online visitors. It contains articles, photos and videos about the project work done, and further information can easily be found under headings of Medical, Education, etc. Further, the website is kept updated to show upcoming events, a recap of past meetings, and houses past issues of the newsletter The Gateway.