Rotary Club of Bombay

Membership & Info

Rotary Club of Bombay / Membership & Info  / Committee Reports: Classification, Membership & Information 2020-2021

Committee Reports: Classification, Membership & Information 2020-2021

Director-in-charge: PE Shernaz Vakil

Chair: PP Nandan Damani

Co-Chair: PP Nowroze Vazifdar

Members: DGN Sandip Agarwalla, PP Pradeep Saxena, PP Ashish Vaid

The Membership Committee has had 13 meetings so far. It received seven proposals from the Board of Directors and the Office-bearers from July till date.

The Committee discussed each of them on Zoom and later called the candidate and the member proposer for an interview on Zoom. After having been satisfied, they then sent the same to the BOD & OB.

The time taken for this was less than two weeks from the time the committee received the same. The chair also subsequently thanked the proposer for suggesting a suitable candidate and requested him/her to continue to mentor him in future too.

In addition to the aforesaid 13 meetings to consider membership proposals, the Committee also met several times to consider guidelines from Rotary International on the formation of a Satellite Club and to deliberate on how to involve younger members. The Committee also discussed different forms of membership, to encourage eminent people from the corporate sector to join the Club. This was brought before the President, President Elect, President Nominee and others. No decision has yet been taken on these issues.