Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Ajit Deshpande Medical Centre  / Congratulations to President Framroze Mehta

Congratulations to President Framroze Mehta

Dear Visionary President Framroze and Zarina,

Thank you for travelling this journey together, with many an accomplishment made possible because of you.

In late 2018 and early 2019, many an idea occurred on how and what to do in the Rotary 2020-21 year. There were so many typical thoughts crowded in the mind and some which were thrown around. In that the clutter it was difficult to differentiate the good from the bad, and, naturally, ignore the ugly.

To have an approach to be futuristic, to be creative, was soon at the core of all intentions. And then the theme for District 3141 was coined as Vision 2020. Ask an ophthalmologist, it stands for “perfect vision”.

The euphoric moment arrived when we could correctly, along with the theme, coin the phrase too! “Vision 2020…Beyond the Ordinary”.

A couple of meetings with all the Presidents was enough to realise that we had a wonderful set of enthusiastic Presidents, carrying that zeal to make a difference.

One such cool, calm and composed President has been, you, President Framroze. Your subtle humour, friendly nature and passion for creating a difference has been evident from the Pre-Pets days. It was at this event that we saw so many of members from RC Bombay, with us in Goa. Truly a moment to cherish.

And then came Mr. Covid in March 2020. The flutter happened as probably would to any bird in the monsoon, just in pre-flight mode, a couple of months before the beginning of the Rotary year.

Zoom, unmute, “you are muted”!!, lockdown, work from home, were words most used, and the connotation of being “positive” had a new meaning.

But the situation then was to either rise to the challenge or then to challenge the circumstances, be a victim of the situation or then victorious in the situation. Gladly, President Framroze and the entire Visionary team chose to accomplish the latter.

I do remember my father saying, don’t let the circumstances overcome your positive thoughts. Precisely that is what the message was to the entire Team… treat the pandemic as an opportunity, with the DNA of a Rotarian, to serve communities who have been impacted.

The cliché line is “disasters love charity” and it was in this situation that President Framroze and the entire RC Bombay team has executed extremely meaningful projects, some of which include Dialysis machines, Covid wards, Cancer Diagnostic machines, meals served, Global Grants applied for and approved, and the list goes on.

So a Big Thank You to all, and especially to President Framroze or Fali as we call him.

They say in Rotary you have no strangers, only friends you have not met before. Fali, as I would like to call you, this statement could not be more true, for both Shilpi and Myself.

To RC Bombay, you have a very important year coming up in 2022-23, with DGN Sandip and Malini being at the helm of RI District 3141, and we wish you all the best for this.

To RC Bombay, you have a very important year coming up in 2022-23, with DGN Sandip and Malini being at the helm of RI District 3141, and we wish you all the best for this.

Thanks once again, for travelling this journey together and giving us moments to cherish… Beyond the Ordinary!

Rtn. Sunnil Mehra
District Governor 2020-21
RI District 3141


Dear Fali,As I look back on the year coming to a close for our respective terms, I extend my sincerest appreciation at your constant willingness and even encouragement to strengthen our partnership within the constraints of the lockdown.

I am delighted that Inner Wheel Club of Bombay has been included in your weekly meetings with eminent Speakers, so our members can broaden our own world view for a better understanding of the society we live in. In this, our combined focus on Malnutrition, with the joint Speaker Talk on ‘Why Nutrition Matters’ will, I hope, continue to be a thrust area in the coming year, perhaps with a joint project once the lockdown is lifted.

Your ready financial help to us in the donation towards the Society for the Rehabilitation of Crippled Children (SRCC) was particularly welcome, as we saw the devastation to these vulnerable members and their support staff at the institute.

On behalf of Inner Wheel Club of Bombay, I thank you wholeheartedly for your support – I could not have wished for a better Rotary counterpart! I am also very grateful to Rotarians Farhat Jamal and to Rhea Bhumgara for their encouraging support this year.

On behalf of our Incoming President – Shilpa Mehta – I look forward to further strengthening this association. Thank you indeed.

Swati Bhansali
President – Inner Wheel Club of Bombay

PE Shernaz Vakil with President Framroze Mehta

President FRAMROZE has been a pillar during this unprecedented and challenging Rotary year.

His calm and patience allowed the Club to sail through the year under very difficult circumstances. Nothing was difficult or impossible for Fali to accomplish. He always had a pragmatic solution to any problem we faced. He remained unfazed in the most trying circumstances.

In fact I had accepted the responsibilities of being the President of the Club only because I was promised his support and guidance.

Fali’s cheerful and confident “good morning” at the start of every meeting was a reminder that we had a President who was in control and who would be able to handle sticky situations.

Fali never said ‘no’; he always said ‘we will find a way, let’s go ahead’.

It really is a pity that the pandemic hit us so badly during Fali’s Rotary term. He would have been a great one to up the ante on the social front and been able to support fellowship in unimaginable ways.

Once we open up I expect Fali to give the Club what could have been during his term. Fali’s sense of fun and his happy approach to most problems is what defines him as a very pragmatic and capable President, who leads with confidence and integrity.

Rtn. Shernaz Vakil

IPP Preeti Mehta with Rtn. Ptn. Gautam

One multifaceted person and so many identities ‘Forex Fali’, ‘Daruwala Fali’, ‘Sai Fali’, ‘Masti Fali’ and what not. But it’s the seamless dimensions of one person, a successful one and a much loved one. To be warm hearted, caring and acceptable and loved by all – few have such rare combination – Fali, you indeed are of that rare kind.

I have the privilege to know our President Framroze Mehta (for most of us Fali) for quite some years now and more so during the past four years when both of us had the honour of being office bearers of our esteemed Club. During my year as President, I was lucky to have Fali’s unstinted support and it was a joy and pleasure to work with him. We just got along so well and in perfect sync.

Fali, as all of us know, is a very down-to-earth, witty, mischievous, and jovial person – but, in the same breath, serious, firm, dedicated and focused on the task he undertook.

Fali enjoys clarity in thought, is decisive and meticulous in planning and execution. This was quite visibly evident from the way he conducted meetings and events throughout the year.

He is a good listener and open to ideas. But with a sharp and incisive mind of his own. His art of delegation is truly admirable – but when it becomes necessary, he doesn’t hesitate to roll up his sleeves and take matters and reins in his hands, without offending anyone.

I personally am a little saddened that Fali’s entire term as President had to go without a single physical meeting due to the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns. However, that didn’t deter Fali and nor did he allow it to at all impact the activities of our Club – with excellent speakers, virtual but very interesting fellowships and in-camera meetings and meaningful service projects. Fali ensured that he and his team adapted to the circumstances and moved ahead.

Gautam and I have been fortunate and blessed to enjoy the friendship of Fali and Zarina, and we very warmly and heartily congratulate them for a wonderful Rotary Year.

We all should and will always be proud of the achievements of our Club under our dear Fali’s leadership.

Rtn. Preeti Mehta
Immediate Past President

Yosi Agiv, President 2020-2021, Ramla Rotary club

We are happy to have been your international partner for the valued Global Grant projects in the different humanitarian fields for the last few years. We hope to continue the collaboration between our Clubs in the future as well in serving humanity. We convey warm greetings to our Indian Rotarian friends and wish for speedy recovery from Covid 19 to India. Shalom and Namaste.Pratibha Pai, Founder Director, Chirag Foundation

Durga Vadilu, Sarpanch – Vaidu Community

The Vaidu community consists of nomadic tribes, these are the people who live under the flyovers and work at construction sites, beg for a livelihood or become waste pickers. There are 15000 Vaidu families, that is 80000 people from this community in Maharashtra. I am grateful to the Rotary Club of Bombay for providing food to about 10000 people in the lockdown of 2020 and 12000 people during this lockdown of 2021 as well as for giving employment to the women in Vaidu Community. It is because of this that they are empowered. I thank the Rotary club of Bombay on behalf of my community because they helped us in these hard times. Thank you so much.

Pratibha Pai, Founder Director, Chirag Foundation

From witnessing the inauguration of the Integrated Rural Development Programme at the impoverished tribal village of Gopalpada in 2019 to a true transformation in many other villages, President Framroze, you and RCB have proved that the country may have been under lockdown but compassion surely wasn’t. Your support has transformed the lives of over a thousand rural Indians, bringing them the most basic essentials of clean water, sanitation, food security, home, street and school lighting, and a way to support their own development with agricultural livelihoods. Thank you, President Framroze for giving our villagers a new lease to a better and more sustainable life.