Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Inner Wheel  / Inner Wheel Picnic For SEC

Inner Wheel Picnic For SEC

One of the projects by our Inner Wheel Club of Bombay that is the highlight of the year for the children of SEC (Society for the Education of the Challenged) is the annual picnic. This year, too, on November 15th, 200 children of the school, together with the staff and ladies of the Inner Wheel Club, many of whom are our Rotary Partners, assembled from early morning at the Rotary Garden for Differently Abled, Wadala, created by the Rotary Club of Bombay Uptown.

The picnic, sponsored by the Inner Wheel Club and planned by its current President Jayati Dasgupta, is being organised with the support of PP Rtn. Sanjay Shah of the Rotary Club of Bombay Uptown since the year 2009. This year he was joined by his Club President Piyush Patel, Secretary Anup Nathani and PP Rtn. Vaijayanti Shah. The wholesome lunch, for all those present, was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Bombay Uptown and served by its members PP Rtn. Ashok Karode, Payal Chaddha, Bharati Shah and Jagruti Parekh.

The day started with a prayer sung by the SEC children who then presented little tokens of love to the guests. Members of Inner Wheel and Rotarians, together with the teachers of SEC, helped children play games specially designed for them. The smiles, on the faces of the children receiving gifts after playing the games, were worth a million dollars.

Each year the four units of the school take part in a competition, which is either singing or dancing. This year, in view of 150th birth anniversary celebration of Gandhiji, the units enacted plays based on Gandhiji’s life. The popular and defining scenes from Gandhiji’s life as well as the message from the three monkeys who neither hear, nor see, nor speak evil and a lesson on punctuality were enacted with props made by the children. It was a good way for the children to learn about the Father of the Nation.

The children also had an entertaining dancing session. Inner Wheel Club ladies and the school staff also joined in the merriment. It was a day that was joyful to the children, and of great satisfaction to adults present.