Rotary Club of Bombay

Inner Wheel

Rotary Club of Bombay / Inner Wheel  / King And Queen For Senior Citizens

King And Queen For Senior Citizens

One of the pet projects of Inner Wheel Club of Bombay is the annual crowning of the ‘Queen and King’ at the Old-age Home Parukh Dharamshalla.

The keys to a quality life after the age 60 are good health, plenty of money, and having a meaningful life. The residents of the Home are neither in stellar shape nor do they have lots of money in the bank. But still they lead a meaningful life in their golden years.

The event, which took place on January 6th, 2020, is much looked forward to by the residents. In a brightly decorated
hall with a Christmas tree, streamers, baubles, snowflakes, angel, pine-cones and psychedelic lights, the ‘young at heart’ came into their own while showcasing their dormant talents. Childhood and youth stories were narrated, jokes were related, a self-composed song, garba songs and film songs were sung. The contest was judged by the members of the club. The enthusiasm and fervor shown by them were exemplary, qualities from which we all can learn a lesson.