Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Education  / Child Welfare Committee  / Storytime for Salaam Baalak

Storytime for Salaam Baalak

Charu also organised a session on ‘the magic of storytelling’ for the street children of Salaam Baalak at the Chowpatty Centre. Change a Life is an initiative by RCB which can be used to gift smiles.

Sarita told the story of a lazy boy called Jack who found himself parentless and alone on the road. Eventually, he befriended a dog, a cat, a donkey and a chicken and together they defeated a gang of thieves. The moral of the story: the success of teamwork.

Sarita kept the children’s attention and deepened their involvement by using games, different sounds, and drawings. The special event was made more delightful by a kulfi and veg biryani treat.